viernes, 1 de junio de 2012



In this chapter I studied about the production of speech sounds and their production. It deals with the vocal tract used to produce speech sounds. Now, I going to describe the speech sounds,it meansthat is the movements of the vocal organs that produce them. Also, the main structures that are important in the production of speech such as; the lungs and the respiratory system with the vocal organs because the airstream from the lungs passes between the vocal cords, which are two small muscular folds located in the larynx at the top of the trachea.Also, larynx is a special part of the body that functions as an airway to the lungs as well as providing us with a way of vocalizing, the space between the vocal cords is known as the glottis. If the vocal cords are apart, as they are normally when breathing out, the air from the lungs will have a relatively free passage into the pharynx and the mouth.

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Dear Verónica,
    I have read your reflexion about the production of speech sounds and it seems to be acquired for you, but I almost did not understand the whole content of your post. As you typed, our physical part is so essential to produce sounds, I would say that you just have to organize better your ideas in order to express what you understood effectively. My final advice could be to make a final review on you grammatical work at the end of any single typed text to avoid many of the cases I saw over here.
